Saturday, January 31, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:20 didn't feel the earthquake this morning (I was awake) but heard a weird rumbling noise at the time it was reported to have happened. #
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 08:38 Second day of finals, so the day is dragging again. Friday can't get here fast enough. #
  • 14:06 Another long day over, but I have class tonight. I just want to sleep. #
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 11:52 :Weird day at school - maybe it's because we are on a finals schedule but it feels like it's going really slowly. #
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:28 : Having a hard time dealing with the fact that it's only Tuesday. Calm day at school - two kids, no drama. #
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 08:47 @ home because there was a bomb threat at school. Stood out on a corner telling walking students to go home for an hour. Brr. #
  • 16:34 Bomb Scare Update: They searched the school and found nothing. We were told we could come back or "work from home" today. I took a nap. #
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Friday, January 23, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 14:21 had one student today, actually a former student from last year. He already went to class and now I'm bored again. #
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:53 : Another long day w/o students. Unfortunately, there isn't anything as interesting as an inauguration to follow today. #
  • 12:42 is still really bored. So far I've filled out my dog's license form, returned a library book, and added more Twitter people to follow. #
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 08:05 : Waiting to see if I have students today, get to watch the inauguration in the library, less than an hour to go! #
  • 11:24 : Congrats, Pres. Obama! So glad to have a president that will try to bring us together rather than divide us. #
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Inauguration Day, at last

It's no secret that I have democratic leanings. I've voted Democrat in every presidential election since my first one in 1996. What may not be known is that I've been following this little known junior senator from Chicago since he made his first national speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004. I was captivated by this man who spoke eloquently and made me want to listen to what he had to say. Less than two years later, I eagerly watched that same man announce his candidacy for president in Springfield, Illinois. Over 20 months, I watched him change from a little known senator without a prayer to our president-elect.
And now, finally, he'll be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. It's a great day for us all. For the African-American community, the last major wall has been torn down. There is finally someone that a black child can look up to besides rap stars and athletes, neither of which are usually good role models.
Even more, though, I see Obama as a uniting force. We've been divided for too long and it's hurt our country. I've heard people, sworn Republicans, say that while they may not agree with his politics, they are hopeful for the future. We need a leader like him today - one who can see all sides of a matter, one who listens to those around him, one who admits that he may not have all the answers but is willing to find them.
So, I'm jealous of the million plus people gathering in Washington DC to watch this momentous occasion, even if it is freezing. Good luck, President Obama. The nation is behind you.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 07:19 : No students today, chance to catch up, clean up, copy papers, and do a little research. Then it's a three day weekend! #
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A little update

Not a lot going on in my world. A couple of updates:

  • Toby had his big boy surgery last week, had the sutures taken out yesterday, and he's doing really well. Now he needs a bath and a haircut.
  • Work is going well, but busy. I've had 31 kids in the last two weeks. Normally in that period of time, I would have had 8-10. It's the end of the semester and people are transferring all over the place. The top three out of Washington place that students come from: California (no surprise there), Las Vegas, and Iowa. Iowa? Seriously, I've had four from Iowa since November. Too weird.
  • I got a new, much more accurate scale and weighed myself. Since last January, I've lost 23 pounds! Woot me!
  • The Obama Inauguration is on Tuesday. I'm sure I'll have something to say about that. I know three people going to the inauguration in DC.
  • George Bush made his farewell address last night. Man, I wish I lived in the America he described. It sounds like a pretty nice place!

Ah well, back to work, even though it's a bit of a slow day. That's okay though, I needed a slow day after the craziness lately.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 14:12 had thirty students in her room over the last two weeks. Normal amount for that time: 8. Hopefully it's calming down. #
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 07:12 It's going to be a crazy day with up to 20 students and only 8 chairs in my classroom. #
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 07:32 thinks it's going to be a long day - no students, rainy weather, want to be home taking care of Toby. Only seven hours to go! #
  • 07:46 @zsmith52 very true, but it's still a long day sitting here witout anything to do! #
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To Resolve or Not to Resolve

Every time this year, people make a list of resolutions that they know they are going to follow and make their lives better. "I will lose 20 pounds" or "I will eat healthier" are common ones. I wish there were some statistics about how many people actually fulfill their resolutions. My guess is the percentage isn't high. Oh, it's easy in January - you are determined and excited about change. But what about June? Often by summer, I've forgotten what my resolutions even are.

So that said, I'm resolving to to make any resolutions this year. Instead, I have a couple goals that I intend to work toward. This way, if I don't make the goal by December, I can look back and at least see the progress I made toward that goal and see how far I've come.
  • Drop another dress size (or two) by Mandy's wedding.
  • Pray more.
  • Try to keep in touch with my East Coast friends more regularly.
  • Train to run a race (not a marathon or anything like that, but maybe a 5K)
  • Continue to gather information on Certification/Doctorate programs
  • Give more to charity.

That's a pretty good list. It hits most of the major areas of my life pretty well and all of them are doable. Now, let's just see how long I stick with it!