Monday, December 28, 2009

Changing Blog Sites, Again.

Hi all,

So I've been on for a little over two years and while I had no major problems with them, I've decided to consolidate my active blogs at WordPress. I have a new update schedule starting with the new year, so hopefully I will stay on that. My new blogs (and proposed schedule) are as follows:
  • Adventures in SpEd - - My reflections on my classes in special education and my experiences in the classroom. Hopefully updated Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays.
So, this will likely be my last post at It's been fun!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 14:31 Having way too much fun with my new Mario Kart for Wii! Whee!! #
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 13:58 Cookies done, cranberries setting, pie in the oven, and I'm making pizza for dinner tonight. I'm so freakin' domestic. #
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 14:46 To do list: Finish Xmas cookies (dough currently chilling), make pumpkin pie, make cranberry sauce, take the dogs for a walk. #
  • 19:00 Alton Brown, you let me down. Anyone want some chocolate peppermint cookie crumble? #
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 16:11 Every time I take the dogs for a walk in their little sweaters, people see them and smile. #
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 09:54 Happy Winter, everyone! #
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 18:56 Made some awesome homemade peppermint bark - better than the stuff in the store. Let me know if you want the recipe! #
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 12:24 The old printer was dying, so this morning I got a brand new wireless printer - after rebates, saved $110! #
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 03:03 It's 3am, my final project is done except some printing, and my final paper just needs a summary and conclusion by 4pm tomorrow. Goodnight. #
  • 09:20 Just realized that since all the leaves are gone from trees behind my house, I'll be able to see the 787 flight from my back window. #787FF #
  • 13:22 Just finished my last paper for the quarter - now down to campus to turn in my project and I'm done! Whoo-hoo! #
  • 15:43 Done! I'm done, I'm done until January! Yay, I get to sleep tonight!! #
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 00:23 Why is it that I am most productive after midnight? I worked all evening, got nothing done, now I'm finally getting this paper written. #
  • 12:28 Because of the seasonal shampoo that the groomer used, every time I'm around my dog, I start craving sugar cookies. Really odd. #
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:16 Whoo-hoo! First snow of the year. Granted, it's only a few flakes, but still cool! #
  • 14:54 The puppies are at the groomers, getting their Christmas haircuts. The house is so quiet without them! #
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 15:19 I'm slightly jealous of my PA friends and their snow. It's cold enough here, but no precip. Nothing gets you in the Xmas mood like snow. #
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:10 Wishing a happy 18 months to my little dog Toby! #
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