Saturday, February 28, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 08:50 Good morning world! Got to sleep in until the dogs decided to have a fight on my head. #
  • 19:23 Took the puppies to the park for a nice long walk. Riley still doesn't like the car and he doesn't like his car seat. Toby has no fear. :-) #
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Friday, February 27, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:37 It's hard to get up in the morning when your puppy insists on snuggling just a little longer. #
  • 14:11 Why do I get along with the student no one else does? Admin hates him, I enjoyed talking to him while we waited all day for his classes. #
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:36 Oh! I totally bought my Mariners tix yesterday - first/last games, NYY, few others in between. Can't wait to see Griffey in a Ms uni again. #
  • 10:10 Wondering why we push so hard to get a student to stay in school when they clearly don't want to be here and life is better without them. #
  • 14:19 Another day done, another group of students ready to start their classes. I'm tired and my neck hurts, so I'm going home. #
  • 21:57 Long night. I'm tired and cold, so I'm going to curl up in bed and read. Hopefully the puppy will calm down enough so I can do that. #
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 12:44 had one student this morning, a kid who was told by the court to come back. I sent him straight to class. Now I'm bored. #
  • 20:19 off for the night - hard time sleeping last night made 5:30am nearly unbearable. Early to bed, early to rise... night all! #
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 14:05 It was one year ago today that we pick a small quivering puppy up from the airport. It's been a good year for him. Love you, Riley! #
  • 14:07 Yeah, Riley's had a tough life in the past year. #
  • 20:57 I have to say, that was the best Oscar show I've seen in years. I was dreading it, but I'm glad I watched it! Gotta go see Slumdog now. #
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 00:17 I love the internet - people are waking up and doing things as I'm checking email and twitter before going to bed. Small world. #
  • 08:45 Reading blogs on NYC public education - frustrates me so much and makes me glad I left. Example: #
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Friday, February 20, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:07 Quite enjoying the week off, don't really want to go back to school on Monday. My mouth still feels weird from the dentist yesterday. #
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 17:38 The dentist says I have beautiful teeth, but don't wait 10 years before I come back. Yeah, won't do that again. #
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:32 booked a bridal shower. Now I just have to plan the rest of it. NO STUPID GAMES! #
  • 16:04 RT @wsdot: WA AMBER ALERT: gray 2007 Nissan Sentra, License Plate: WA - 617-XBP kidnapped from DSHS office in Tacoma, WA; 2 kids, age 1 & 3. #
  • 19:33 Going to the dentist tomorrow for the first time in a long time - a little nervous. Then off to the NW Garden show afterward! Woo-hoo! #
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 18:41 Back hurts from giving both dogs a bath, but at least they don't smell bad anymore. Now they are little fluffballs. #
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Monday, February 16, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 13:43 had a wonderful pedicure today and then some shopping. Now to take the pups for a walk in the sunshine! #
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:39 wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, thought not a happy commercialized holiday. #
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:02 Why do we even bother with a half day? 27 minute periods aren't enough to do anything and we have a pep assembly to get through yet. Blah! #
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 12:25 Frustrating day - students not showing up, having a hard time getting them counseling appts., not feeling productive today. #
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Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 12:25 Frustrating day - students not showing up, having a hard time getting them counseling appts., not feeling productive today. #
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 09:31 Wondering why people are so inconsiderate. Sent email yesterday to see if I could use teacher's room for CP presentations, 6 of 16 respond. #
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:32 No students today on purpose to prep for Culminating Project presentations tomorrow. Now I'm getting observed on Wednesday. Woot! #
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:55 Slow Friday morning - one student here who was sick yesterday. Pep assembly this afternoon, but I'm not feeling very peppy. #
  • 14:10 thought the pep assembly was fun - it's great to see the cheer squad and dance team show off their hard work. Go Mariner! #
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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 10:28 feels like spring is right around the corner with the warmish temps and daffodils peaking their heads out. Almost made it through winter! #
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daily Tweets

My Twitter posts from throughout the day:
  • 07:06 The second semester has begun, still a lot of new students. Only two weeks until mid-winter break. I just want to sleep in. #
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm not obsessed, really.

So, I think my dogs have a better web presence than I do. They are listed on both (Riley and Toby) and The Daily Puppy (Riley and Toby). They get all kinds of comments about how cute there are and how people would love to see more pictures. I, on the other hand, don't think anyone reads my blog. Oh well, guess it was more for me anyway. So, if in fact you do read this blog, hurry on over and check out my dogs really cute pictures on their really cute websites!