Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To Resolve or Not to Resolve

Every time this year, people make a list of resolutions that they know they are going to follow and make their lives better. "I will lose 20 pounds" or "I will eat healthier" are common ones. I wish there were some statistics about how many people actually fulfill their resolutions. My guess is the percentage isn't high. Oh, it's easy in January - you are determined and excited about change. But what about June? Often by summer, I've forgotten what my resolutions even are.

So that said, I'm resolving to to make any resolutions this year. Instead, I have a couple goals that I intend to work toward. This way, if I don't make the goal by December, I can look back and at least see the progress I made toward that goal and see how far I've come.
  • Drop another dress size (or two) by Mandy's wedding.
  • Pray more.
  • Try to keep in touch with my East Coast friends more regularly.
  • Train to run a race (not a marathon or anything like that, but maybe a 5K)
  • Continue to gather information on Certification/Doctorate programs
  • Give more to charity.

That's a pretty good list. It hits most of the major areas of my life pretty well and all of them are doable. Now, let's just see how long I stick with it!

1 comment:

Amanda Huckabee Ferlazzo said...

I want to run a 5K too!!!

Good list! good luck!